Hi hi everyone. It has been a while. I've been recovering from a thumb lesion and for that matter I took a break from writing for leisure. This month PoroZine got a side project, that is my new youtube channel for things PSO2/SEGA related. Yes, I do have a personal youtube channel that sadly got blacklisted for horny shit from back my Senran Kagura days. I wanted more reach for my silly online endeavours, so I took the decision to make some cosplay videos for PSO2. In all honesty, I want to branch out and do more faceless content there with my mascot persona, whilst me as an individual stays more on my youtube channel and twitch. Alas, here are some updates:
The Liter page is finally there accessible to everybody. File is available and video is linked
Some improvements were made on the layout, and i'm finally progressing with the gaming part of the website.
The youtube channel is now linked on the top bar, so you guys can take a look on whatever pso2 stuff I post there.
For now that is all I have to say. Blogposts I will do everytime I post a Video, but i would like to do more diverse shit, as long as there is material. If i'm not posting anything not-video related, it is basically because there is nothing coming to mind. As next month is when I get a new taiko, be prepared for some rhythm stuff showing up here.
Check my videos while we are at it!