Although being a hunter at heart since PSO1's second (and last year) on the dreamcast, I gotta admit that I have always been extremely jealous of rangers for their incredible way of not allowing anyone else to play the game. I mean, whenever I was about to hit any mob, they completely wiped the mob's existance.
This kinda triggered a deep hatred for the class on subconcious levels that I nurtured for the longest, which put me off from playing them. Yes, I was hardheaded and pretty obstinated at trying new classes or things. My motto was always "get the Guts sword and chop them till they drop". Nonsensically speaking, my younger me wasn't really in tune with mmo-meta, playing PSO as an offline action game like the ones on DC and PS2. And that's fine, which made me never go past stage 3 boss offline.
But I digress, on NGS, I switched to slayer (and then to Ranger) for a more comfortable playstyle, as my hands are not the same they were. It made me very lazy with relying too much on Blazing Shot, but also allowed me to enjoy ngs's high end content... Until I faced a DPS-Reality Check: MDFD Dalion R2 boss. Up until know, even on R2s, I had no problem assisting my friends, but after realizing one of my Ally mates was a ranger scientists through a countrymen friend (Allukaplus+ from Endeavour), I had this desire to up my game, but due to IRL, i was doing at small steps.

Things went to hell in a handbasket, and though I had been carried a few times, I was not satisfied at all with my Blazing runs giving me 8.5 dps. I had a talk with TonyAbf and they were extremely happy to lend me a hand on this matter. We spent a brief but insightful 30mins outside Central City - the degenerate ridden lair - so we could do some good combat-in-arms session. This led them to make a new video only for this purpose. More than just being a video about what it is, they might not know a book to read is way less interesting than a challenge to face.
Well, despite still seeing a high ceiling to reach technic-wise, I feel like a new ranger. Reorganized my sub pallets, allowed me to have 2 versions of the same wep for diff purposes on main pallete, and now I see farther into the distance.
So, If you out there, reading this, is a Ranger main like myself, and feel like you are lacking in any regard, like PA upgrade, subpalette management, movements rotation, give this video a go, even if we are way past this current meta. Well, if NGS is already gone... meh
See you on the flipside, friends.
GrayFoxRJ out.
